Nomination for LIFE Awards 2022
The LIFE for Minuartia project was selected as a finalist of LIFE Awards 2022 in the category NATURE.
Please, support our project on this link:

Final conference
Final project conference will be organized within 33rd Conference of the Plant Population Biology from 27th to 29th May 2021.
The conference is hosting about one hundred participants with presentations spanning from plant demography to experimental plant ecology, population genetics, epigenetics and community ecology. We will share our experience with ex-situ conservation in special section “LIFE meeting".
Due to a complicated epidemiological situation, the conference will be organized COMPLETELY ONLINE.
You are welcome to attend the conference and present your results.
Please visit https://popbio2021.ibot.cas.cz/page/introduction for details

Forest grazing starts at Želivka SCI to restore Minuartia smejkalii habitat
After almost two years of efforts, conservationists of ČOP Vlašim obtained all the necessary permits and started with forest grazing of sheep in the SCI Želivka to restore the habitats of critically endangeres Minuartia Smejkalii.

Endemic sandwort returning back to nature
Botanical Institute and ČSOP Vlašim planted 1500 seedlings of the critically endangered Sandwort at the project site in the SCI Želivka making a crucial step to save the endemic species Minuartia smejkalii.

Population of Minuartia growing as a result of the project interventions
Management interventions carried out at the Želivka SCI so far resulted in 138 new bunches of Minuartia smejkalii sprouted at the project sites.

Plants from Hrnčíře population planted on rocks in gardens
Last year not enough sandworts had sprouted so the rocks we prepared for the Hrnčíře population were left without plants. Now we managed to gorw sufficient number of sandworts so they could be planted on the rocks.

Information about Rescue planting in private gardens published in The Nature Conservation Forum
The article about the new program Rescue planting in private gardens was published in the journal The Nature Conservation Forum. In the article you can learn, how this program works in Switzerland and how we will adapt it for the circumstances of the Czech Republic.
On-line version is available here. (in Czech)
The whole journal is available here (in Czech)

Artwork and literary competition in the occasion of the Earth Day
The artwork and literary competition is aimed on the topic Nature in the Czech Republic – NATURA 2000. The works should focus on endangered plant and animal species or natural habitats in the Czech Republic protected through the Natura 2000 network and on various methods for their protection (e.g. management interventions on localities).
The deadline is 6/4/2018.

Minuartia plants in the Botanical garden already started to be flowering
Thanks to untraditionally warm winter Minuartia plants that were transplated to the Botanical Garden of the Science Faculty of Prague’s Charles University (Botanical Garden UK) within the program of Rescue planting, already started to be flowering.
More information are here.

The report about the Minuartia smejkalii rescue effort was broadcasted in the Czech Television – program CT:D
The report on the rescue effort of Minuartia smejkalii in the Christian Kindergarten and Primary School Archa in Petroupim was broadcast in the Czech Television News - program CT:D “Zprávičky” (Little News).
You can see the report here - timing 2:47 - 3:20.